Peoplesync Event Log shows the following exception:
- Log in to the server where Peolesync Console is installed with an account that is dbowner of the database.
- Open an elevated command prompt.
- Run command {{cd "C:\Program Files\messageconcept\PeopleSync\Console"}}
- Run database update:
- If you have updated to PeopleSync backend version 18.x, run command: DBUpdater.v18.1.exe -silent PeopleSync.Console.exe.config
- If you have updated to PeopleSync backend version 17.x, run command DBUpdater.v17.1.exe -silent PeopleSync.Console.exe.config
- There should be a message stating that the database was updated successfully. If there are any error messages, please send those to us.
- Restart the Peoplesync Service and see if there are any errors in the PeopleSync event log.
- Start the PeopleSnyc Console and check if you are able to log in successfully.