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messageconcept PeopleSync
How to move PeopleSync to a different Server



Table of Contents

Important Note: Please read the complete manual carefully.


Hint: The blue hint boxes will save you time and are very helpful for the understanding of the software functionality.

Last Update: 2023-11-03


PeopleSync consists of three main components: the database, PeopleSync Agent and Console, and PeopleSync front end server. This guide shows how to move the PeopleSync components to a different Server.

Migration Checklist

The following Checklist helps you move PeopleSync Components. Please follow the checklist in the given order.


Example: You are moving all components of PeopleSync. Therefore, you need to perform steps 1, 4, and 5 of the checklist. Steps 2 and 3 should be skipped as you will retire the old components.

How to move the database to a different server

This chapter outlines how to move the PeopleSync database to a different server.

Important Note: You should not move the PeopleSync database to a SQL Server with a lesser version than the source SQL Server.

Moving the database

  1. Close all running PeopleSync Consoles.

  2. Set the startup type of the service PeopleSync Service to Disabled.

  3. Restart the system.

  4. Backup the PeopleSync database on the old SQL Server and restore the database on the new SQL Server as outlined in Microsoft KB article 314546 (

  5. On the old SQL Server, create the necessary stored procedures sp_hexadecimal and sp_help_revlogin for transferring the PeopleSync logins by following step 1 of method 2 from Microsoft KB article 918992 (

  6. On the old SQL Server, in SQL Server Management Studio, switch to the PeopleSync Database:

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  7. To create a script for re-creating the logins, run the following command in the query window:

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  8. In the Messages window, copy the output between the “copy below” and “end copy” lines to the clipboard.

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  9. To recreate the logins on the new SQL Server, use SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the new SQL Server instance and run the script you copied before in a query window with Master database selected:

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  1. On the new Server, check that for each user in the PeopleSync database you have a corresponding login at the server level:

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  2. Open the properties of each login relevant to PeopleSync and make sure that they have at least db_datareader and db_datawriter permissions in the PeopleSync database. For reference, compare with the old database.

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    Users performing updates of PeopleSync must have db_owner permissions on the PeopleSync database.

  3. Detach the PeopleSync database on the old SQL Server by right-clicking on the database in SQL Server Management Studio and selecting Tasks|Detach.

Configuring the PeopleSync Frontend Server

If the PeopleSync frontend server is not moving to a different server, please follow these steps to change the database connection to the new SQL Server:

  1. Login to the PeopleSync Web server.

  2. Run Notepad using Run as Administrator.

  3. In File|Open, go to the PeopleSync Frontend installation directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\messageconcept GmbH\PeopleSync Server, then to the www subdirectory. Open the server.ini file.

  4. Edit the db_host parameter to reflect the new server name.

  5. Save server.ini and close Notepad.

Configuring the PeopleSync Backend (Version up to 23.1)

If the PeopleSync Console & Service are not moving to a different server, please follow these steps to change the database connection to the new SQL Server:

  1. Login to the PeopleSync Service server.

  2. Run Notepad using Run as Administrator.

  3. In File|Open, go to the PeopleSync Agent installation directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\messageconcept GmbH\PeopleSync\Agent. Open the Agent.exe.config file.

  4. Search for ConnectionString in the file. You should find an element such as:
    <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Pooling=false; Data Source=srv-1;Initial Catalog=PeopleSync" />
    Please note that “<add name=..” may not be preceded by “<!--“

  5. Change the value in “Data Source” to reflect the new server name. For example:
    <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Pooling=false;Data Source=newSQLServer;Initial Catalog=PeopleSync"/>

  6. Save agent.exe.config.

  7. Repeat steps 13-16 with the WorkflowExecutor.exe.config file in the Workflow Executor directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\messageconcept\PeopleSync\Agent\wfx.

  8. In File|Open, go to the PeopleSync Console installation directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\messageconcept GmbH\PeopleSync\Console. Open the PeopleSync.Console.exe.config file.

  9. Repeat steps 13-16.

  10. Close Notepad.

  11. Repeat Steps 18-20 for each computer with a PeopleSync Console.

  12. Login to the PeopleSync Service server.

  13. Set the startup type of the service "PeopleSync Service" back to "Automatic" and start the service.

Configuring the PeopleSync Backend (Version 23.8 and newer)

If the PeopleSync Console & Service are not moving to a different server, please follow these steps to change the database connection to the new SQL Server:

  1. Login to the PeopleSync Service server.

  2. Run Notepad using Run as Administrator.

  3. In File|Open, go to the PeopleSync Agent installation directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\messageconcept GmbH\PeopleSync\Agent. Open the Agent.dll.config file.

  4. Search for ConnectionString in the file. You should find an element such as:
    <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Pooling=false; Data Source=srv-1;Initial Catalog=PeopleSync" />
    Please note that “<add name=..” may not be preceded by “<!--“

  5. Change the value in “Data Source” to reflect the new server name. For example:
    <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Pooling=false;Data Source=newSQLServer;Initial Catalog=PeopleSync"/>

  6. Save agent.exe.config.

  7. Repeat steps 13-16 with the WorkflowExecutor.dll.config file in the Workflow Executor directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\messageconcept\PeopleSync\Agent\wfx.

  8. In File|Open, go to the PeopleSync Console installation directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\messageconcept GmbH\PeopleSync\Console. Open the PeopleSync.Console.dll.config file.

  9. Repeat steps 13-16.

  10. Close Notepad.

  11. Repeat Steps 18-20 for each computer with a PeopleSync Console.

  12. Login to the PeopleSync Service server.

  13. Set the startup type of the service "PeopleSync Service" back to "Automatic" and start the service.

Moving PeopleSync Backend

This chapter outlines how to move the PeopleSync Console & Agent to a different server.


To prepare for the move, please assemble the following information:


On the new server, please add the PeopleSync Service account to the local admins group.


Run “PeopleSync Console Setup-*.exe” as described in the PeopleSync Setup and Configuration Guide, section 4.1. During setup, please enter the configuration values from the previous section.


  1. After setup, copy the license keys to %ProgramFiles%\messageconcept\PeopleSync\Agent\licensekeys.

  2. If you are not moving PeopleSync Frontend, you can start PeopleSync Service now, otherwise you should do it after you have moved PeopleSync Frontend.

Moving PeopleSync Frontend

This chapter outlines how to move the PeopleSync Frontend component to a different server.


To prepare for the installation of the new PeopleSync Frontend, please assemble the following information:


  1. SSL Certificate: Prepare an SSL certificate for the new server.

  2. Bindings: Make a note of the bindings or the PeopleSync website on the old server:

    1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) manager.

    2. Go to the PeopleSync website.

    3. Right-click on the PeopleSync Website and select Edit Bindings.

    4. Make a note of the port bindings and the certificates used.

  3. SQL Server user: On the old Server, open the file %ProgramFiles%\messageconcept\PeopleSync Server\web\server.ini. Note down the value of the db_login variable. This is the username of the user which is used to connect to the PeopleSync database.


  1. Run PeopleSync Frontend Setup-*.exe as described in the PeopleSync Setup and Configuration Guide, section 4.2.2. During setup, please enter the configuration values you have assembled in the previous section.

  2. Import the SSL certificate.

  3. Re-Create any non-default bindings on the PeopleSync website, such as https on port 443 or 8843.

  4. After setup, please open PeopleSync Console and go to System Settings. Change Internal URL to point to the new PeopleSync Frontend.

How to verify success

The following steps help you establish if all PeopleSync components work.

PeopleSync Frontend

  1. Anchor
    In System Settings, copy the internal URL.

  2. Open a browser on the PeopleSync Backend server and put in the internal URL.

  3. A popup should appear prompting you for credentials.

  4. Now enter the service account credentials from Address Lists > Service Accounts.

  5. If authentication is successful, a message is shown saying "Everything is working is as expected".

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PeopleSync Service

  1. On the Server where the PeopleSync Service is installed,check whether the PeopleSync Service is running.

  2. If the service is not running, check the Application log for error messages from source PeopleSync_Agent.

PeopleSync Console

  1. Open the PeopleSync Console and log in.

  2. If you can open the console and log in, the console is configured correctly. Otherwise, an error message will appear.

PeopleSync Agents

  1. Open the PeopleSync Console and log in.

  2. Manually start an agent from the console.

  3. Open Log and verify that Agents have run successfully.

Contacting Support

If this manual unfortunately does not help to solve your problem, please contact messageconcept support.


Please download our TeamViewer QuickSupport Module to receive remote support in a guided session before giving us a call.

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