How to Move PeopleSync
PeopleSync consists of three main components: the database, PeopleSync Agent and Console, and PeopleSync front end server. This guide shows how to move the PeopleSync components to a different Server.
Migration Checklist
The following Checklist helps you move PeopleSync Components. Please follow the checklist in the given order.
What you want to do | What steps to perform |
1. Move the PeopleSync Database | |
2. PeopleSync Frontend is staying | Configuring the PeopleSync Frontend Server
3. PeopleSync Console & Backend are staying | |
4. Move PeopleSync Console & Backend | |
5. Move PeopleSync Frontend |
Always follow the checklist in the given order. If you are moving the database, move it first. This prevents duplicate work.
Example: You are moving all components of PeopleSync. Therefore, you need to perform steps 1, 4, and 5 of the checklist. Steps 2 and 3 should be skipped as you will retire the old components.
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