How to verify success
The following steps help you establish if all PeopleSync components work.
PeopleSync Frontend
In System Settings, copy the internal URL.
Open a browser on the PeopleSync Backend server and put in the internal URL.
A popup should appear prompting you for credentials.
Now enter the service account credentials from Address Lists > Service Accounts.
If authentication is successful, a message is shown saying "Everything is working is as expected":
PeopleSync Service
On the Server where the PeopleSync Service is installed,check whether the PeopleSync Service is running.
If the service is not running, check the Application log for error messages from source PeopleSync_Agent.
PeopleSync Console
Open the PeopleSync Console and log in.
If you can open the console and log in, the console is configured correctly. Otherwise, an error message will appear.
PeopleSync Agents
Open the PeopleSync Console and log in.
Manually start an agent from the console.
Open Log and verify that Agents have run successfully.
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