User Roles Menu Not Visible in Navigation


In version 23.8 of PeopleSync, the “User Roles” menu shown below is missing:




This is a bug (PS-491) in PeopleSync 23.8 and will be fixed in the next version.

The following solution is specific to PeopleSync version 23.8. It is not applicable to other versions.

To show the menu, please implement the following workaround:

  1. On the server where the Console is installed, make a backup of the following file: C:\Program Files\messageconcept\PeopleSync\Console\Model.xafml

  2. Replace the file: C:\Program Files\messageconcept\PeopleSync\Console\Model.xafml with the file provided here:

  1. Restart PeopleSync Console and confirm that “User Roles” is showing.

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