SQL Error 42000 PeopleSync Admins Not Found
During PeopleSync Frontend setup, the following error message is shown:
{SQL_ERROR}: {SQL_STATE: 42000} [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Windows NT user or group '\PeopleSync Admins Typo' not found. Check the name again.
After this, the setup completes normally.
This can happen if during setup, the PeopleSync Admins group you specified cannot be found. Probably, there is a name mismatch between the group you created in AD and the name you entered in the PeopleSync installer.
This group is used to give PeopleSync Console users access to the database. If this group is not properly configured, users wanting to open PeopleSync Console will not be able to do so because of missing database permissions.
You can assign permissions for your PeopleSync Admins group manually as follows:
Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database instance hosting the PeopleSync database, i.e. the one you specified during setup.
Go to Security > Logins.
In the contect menu, choose New Login.
Make sure Windows Authentication is selected and click on Search.
Click on Object Types and choose Groups. Then search for your admin group and click OK.
Go to User Mapping.
At the top, select the PeopleSync database and configure db_datareader, db_datawriter and public permissions.
Click OK to save.
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