Agent fails with status code 401
Running an agent fails and an error message is logged in PeopleSync Console. The error message is as follows:
Whoops something went wrong! The server returned a status code of: 401
CardDav.HTTPException: Whoops something went wrong! The server returned a status code of: 401
This error message means that the account used to upload contacts to the PeopleSync frontend cannot log in.
This account can be configured in PeopleSync Console. It is referenced in the address list’s “Service Account” field. The account can be edited in Address Lists > Service Accounts.
A login failure is normally due to the following:
The user name does not exist in the user directory.
The password is invalid.
The user account is locked in the user directory (i.e. Active Directory).
Please do the following:
Unlock the user account in Active Directory, if it is locked.
Check that the account’s user principal name in AD is the same as the one configured in PeopleSync Console, Address Lists > Service Accounts.
Get the correct password. Update the account’s password in PeopleSync Console, Address Lists > Service Accounts.
If this does not resolve the issue, check if the PeopleSync frontend works correctly by following the steps in this article: How to know if Frontend is operational
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